Company Info
About Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP)
AHP has worked passionately to improve health systems and business operations since 1986. We’ve influenced changes in health systems to support vulnerable populations—from policy creation all the way to ground-level, hands-on work. We believe improved health systems and organizations mean improved health outcomes for all people. WRAP perfectly aligns with our mission to help individuals reach their full potential.
AHP bought WRAP and Recovery Books from Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD, in 2016. This purchase included intellectual property (copyright) and inventory for the 30+ books, manuals, curricula, and other educational products, along with a website, mobile app, and elearning curricula. AHP continues to create WRAP materials, both by updating products and developing new ones. Our team works hand-in-hand with others in the WRAP community to meet the current and changing needs of WRAPers around the world.
AHP is the copyright holder for all WRAP materials. We are headquartered in Massachusetts. Learn more at AHP’s website.
About Human Potential Press
Human Potential Press (HPP) is the publishing arm of AHP. HPP produces, manages, and distributes all WRAP and Recovery Books materials, along with other AHP books, materials, and curricula.
Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD—Senior Consultant to AHP
Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD, developed WRAP in 1997 with a group of people who had lived experience of serious mental health challenges. In 2003, she—along with other people in recovery and supportive allies—founded the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery to promote mental health recovery through education, training, and research based on WRAP.
In 2016, Mary Ellen Copeland transferred ownership of her works to AHP to ensure the continued quality production and dissemination of WRAP materials worldwide. AHP continues to work with Mary Ellen as a consultant to ensure that the WRAP community can continue to benefit from her extensive knowledge about WRAP concepts and their practical application.