Wellness is a process,
not an end point

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WRAP and Mental Health

Mental health can impact you just as much as your physical health. Like all of us, you have good days and days that are hardYou may have difficult times that come and goor mental health challenges that are present more often than notWhatever your situation, WRAP can help you achieve the life you want. It’s a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well, and make their life the way they want it to be.  

WRAP was developed by a group of people who had been dealing with difficult feelings and behaviors for many yearspeople working together to feel better and get on with their lives. It’s now used by people all over the world to address all kinds of physical, mental, and life challenges. WRAP is a tool to gain hope and take wellness and recovery into your own hands. Anyone who wants to create positive change in the way they feel or increase their enjoyment in life can use WRAP. 

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