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it's called tomorrow

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WRAP and Justice Involvement 

When people are experiencing incarceration or have reentered the community after incarceration, it’s vital for them to have support and hope. If you have experienced or are experiencing contact with the justice system, WRAP can help you move forward, find success, and rebuild your life in positive ways. WRAP has been supporting justice-involved individuals for years, and we know it makes a difference.  

In WRAP, we believe that diagnoses and labels don’t define you. Neither does your contact with the justice system. No matter what happened in the past, you have the chance to transform your life. WRAP can support your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness during and after incarceration and through other justice involvement. It offers a trauma-informed, recovery-based focus that centers on hope and self-direction. WRAP can also be useful for people who work in corrections and want to support themselves as they deal with work stress, face intense challenges, and help individuals prepare for parole or navigate probation.

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