WRAP Around the World 2017 kicks off in Sacramento on June 5, with three days packed full of great WRAP-related programming. This grassroots conference offers information on a variety of topics for people seeking greater mental health and overall wellness. The full schedule is available online. Here are some highlights:

  • Keynote presentations from Deputy Director for Sacramento County’s Department for Health and Human Services Uma K. Zykofsky, Hong Kong-based New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association CEO Sania Yau, Director of the Office of Consumer Affairs at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Adminstration’s Center for Mental Health Services Keris Myrick, and many others
  • Breakout sessions on WRAP for reentry, WRAP in schools, WRAP for housing goals, WRAP for addictions, WRAP for weight management, and many other topics
  • Sessions that spark creativity such as creating a personal vision statement, art for insight, and writing poetry, memoir, and songs to name a few
  • Presentations from international WRAP Facilitators from China and Holland
  • Copeland Center Members’ Reception on Monday night
  • Zumba® wellness activities through all three days of the conference—Plus a Zumbathon® fundraiser on Tuesday night!

Are you attending? On-site registration opens at 4 p.m. on Sunday and continues all day Monday beginning at 8 a.m. Come see us at the WRAP and Recovery Books table to peruse some of the most popular WRAP books and learn more about materials you haven’t experienced yet. Watch our Facebook page for real-time updates from the conference!

Add Your Voice

WRAP_thumbnails_15off_223x143Help shape the future of WRAP by taking a short survey. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the background and experience of the members of the WRAP community and the ways WRAP is used and delivered in the community. Your input will help enhance WRAP, WRAP training, and WRAP materials.

WRAP facilitators, practitioners, administrators, individuals using WRAP personally, and those learning WRAP for the first time ALL invited to participate in this survey! The survey is completely voluntary and your responses are anonymous. It will take approximately 10 to 20 minutes to complete, depending on your prior experience with WRAP, and must be completed in one sitting. Please complete and submit the survey only once.

As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a 15% off coupon code to use at the online at the online WRAP and Recovery Books store (http://www.wrapandrecoverybooks.com/).
Please click this link to start the survey: WRAP Community Survey