Military training is intense, deliberate, and controlled—just the way the military wants and needs their soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines to perform. But then there is the inevitable transition from active military service to Veteran life.
Switching off what has been a trusted, predictable, and comfortable system is tough and a lot to ask of someone. WRAP has been a good strategy and system for addressing that difficulty. It requires Veterans to adapt and overcome, which they specialize in. But now the focus is on themselves, which can be uncomfortable.
The new WRAP for Veterans, Active Service Members, and Military in Transition not only gives voice to Veterans’ and service members’ reality and challenges, it’s in their own voices. This is why peer support specialists within the VA have become so universally successful. We model recovery shoulder-to-shoulder with Veterans.
Transitioning from the “battlemind” to the “wise mind” is best achieved in a supportive community of learning found with other Veterans in a WRAP workshop. This new book hits the target with, shall I say, military precision. WRAP provides the kind of control that service members and Veterans in certain circumstances need to help them move toward and maintain wellness.
In the monthly WRAP workshops at the Boise VA Medical Center, the two constant questions that we hear are, “Why didn’t I get this years ago?” and “When is the next WRAP?” This new WRAP for Veterans, Active Service Members, and Military in Transition will become a “mission essential” tool, guide, and resource on their path to wellness. We will use this as an integral part of our recovery and wellness programs. Veterans and service members spoke, Human Potential Press listened, now we all benefit.
Larry D. Buttel, MS-IPT, is a Certified Peer Support Specialist, Advanced Level WRAP Facilitator, and VA Certified Coach & Mentor at the Boise VA Medical Center.