Exciting News About WRAP Seminars and Training! 

To make WRAP seminars and WRAP Facilitator trainings more accessible, we now offer more choices and options—including virtual seminars and refreshers. WRAP can help everyone around the world, so our goal is to expand its availability and your ability to participate! 

If you’re interested in joining an upcoming event, look at the new 2024 WRAP Seminar and Training Calendar. If you are interested in one or more of the options, complete and submit the form and we will follow up with you personally. 

Keep checking back, as new dates, final locations, and an online registration process will soon be available. We will select cities for in-person trainings based on where the majority of interested people are located. We want travel to be as convenient as possible for participants.

We hope to meet you at a seminar or training in 2024!  

What Are My Choices? 

Following is a brief description of each seminar or training. Learn more on the WRAP website under WRAP Seminars & Trainings. 

Seminar I. This interactive virtual or in-person seminar is for anyone in the world who is interested in wellness and recovery and in creating their own WRAP. In these interactive seminars, participants learn how to develop personal life and wellness goals as they engage in a mutual learning model with other peers.  

Seminar II. This in-person seminar gives participants the skills, knowledge, and materials to facilitate WRAP Seminar I in their community and/or organization. To become Certified WRAP Facilitators, participants in Seminar II participate in interactive learning activities, learn how to co-facilitate the structure of WRAP, illustrate their personal experience with WRAP, and demonstrate understanding of WRAP ethics and values.

Seminar III. This in-person seminar is for Certified WRAP Facilitators who want to become Advanced Level Facilitators (ALFs). ALF is the highest credential of WRAP certification and provides ALFs the unique opportunity to certify WRAP Facilitators and co-facilitate WRAP Refreshers. ALFs serve as models of living the values and ethics of WRAP.

This enhanced credentialing gives ALFs the ability to expand the reach of this beneficial evidence-based wellness tool and increases the opportunity for people worldwide to become Certified WRAP Facilitators.

Only Certified ALFs can train and certify WRAP Facilitators. All ALFs must be credentialed through WRAP/AHP or an AHP-licensed partner.

WRAP Refreshers. These in-person or virtual Refreshers are open to all Certified WRAP Facilitators and ALFs. These workshops review foundational material and delve into a variety of topics, such as facilitation skills, facilitation challenges and solutions, effective virtual facilitation, facilitating WRAP in prisons, tailoring WRAP to people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, using WRAP with youth and schools, cultural sensitivity and cultural humility when working with specific populations (e.g., tribal communities, veterans, trauma survivors), and more. WRAP Refreshers should be taken every two years.

WRAP Advanced Level Facilitators (ALF) Recertification. ALF Recertification is currently only in person, but a virtual option will be available in the future. This training is required every two years to maintain WRAP ALF certification.

Only WRAP® is WRAP! 

As many of you know, WRAP was developed through a process of peers working together within a peer-developed core set of values and ethics. Those values and ethics were at the foundation of the fidelity measure used in the study of WRAP that led to its designation as an evidence-based practice (EBP). Fidelity to the core EBP model will always be best practice for facilitating WRAP.

A fundamental ethic in the peer support workforce is staying within one’s “scope of work,” and two core values in the National Practice Guidelines for Peer Supporters are that peer supporters are “transparent” and “honest and direct.” These ethics mean peer supporters (1) don’t provide services they’re not trained for, (2) don’t willfully misrepresent their expertise or make promises of practices they aren’t qualified to provide, and (3) don’t make false promises or misrepresent themselves, others, or circumstances.

People in recovery deserve the best we have to offer. For WRAP, this means using only the EBP of WRAP, delivered with fidelity to the core model that was studied and proven effective. Only WRAP is WRAP!

Join us sometime in 2024 for a seminar or training. We can’t wait to meet you!