by Mary Ellen Copeland, WRAP Co-Originator

We are now moving into the 28th year of WRAP. Wow! Who knew?!

Although there have been many attempts to disparage, change, and copy WRAP, WRAP, as it was developed 28 years ago by an amazing group of peers—people who, at that very time, were experiencing some of the most pervasive and horrific mental health issues yet came up with a powerful recovery plan—has stood the test of time and grown and grown and grown.

More people use WRAP today than ever before. I remember back in 2005 when a healthcare provider said, “WRAP has run its course.” Well, it certainly has, and it just keeps on running. Now there are WRAP groups all over the world. People everywhere are using WRAP in all types of cultures, situations, and with all kinds of life issues.

Just the other day, a friend came by who was just back from a visit to her homeland, Japan. While there visiting family, she led a WRAP workshop, something she does there each year. The people in the workshop are so grateful. They keep my friend posted on how well they are doing, and she shares what she learns with me. It continues to delight me.

My life has been so enriched by stories like these. Another example is the story of Stella, who, after she developed an amazing WRAP Plan on a series of bulletin boards in her home, changed her name to Elizabeth because she wanted to think of herself as Elizabeth instead of Stella.

Many years ago, when WRAP was new, I traveled to Japan and introduced WRAP to a group of people who worked in a “sheltered workshop,” where people who were having a hard time in their lives and were receiving mental health services would go each day to work on simple tasks for which they received minimal compensation. It seemed quite grim to me. Partway through the time I spent with them, one man said, “Why didn’t somebody tell me about this 20 years ago?”

Early on, soon after the group developed WRAP, I was invited to speak at a big conference. Usually, at these conferences, which are attended by multitudes of healthcare providers and a few people who’ve experienced mental health issues, I spoke about my research findings, offering information from people who experience mental health issues. This was novel for this conference.

People like me, an actual peer, were not generally invited to speak at that time. I took a big risk and decided to share WRAP, fearing that I would never be asked to speak there again. I had my easel pad and my markers, and I worked with the attendees through WRAP. I noticed that the participants were really engaged, even euphoric. Then someone stood up and said, “Finally, something we can do for ourselves.”

It took me back to those days so long ago when I asked my psychiatrist what I could do to help myself, and he told me he would have that information for me at our next meeting. At the next meeting (I think he hoped I would have forgotten my question, but of course, I hadn’t), when I asked him again, he said, “We don’t have any information like that. We have information on restraint and seclusion, on medications and hospitalization. But nothing like what you are asking for.”

That is when I became committed to finding the simple, safe noninvasive ways that people can use to help themselves get by and move on to do the things they want to do, be the person they want to be, and experience happiness, joy, and fulfillment.

Looking forward to the next 25 years, I hope WRAP stays the same but becomes available to more and more and more people—people in all kinds of circumstances with all kinds of life issues and challenges. I hope it grows exponentially.

It is already happening, as it is shared in prisons, reentry programs, and with people from all walks of life—those experiencing postpartum depression, aging adults, veterans, farmers, and military personnel and their families. It reaches individuals with debilitating illnesses, those who are unhoused, people with developmental distinctions, substance use challenges, survivors of trauma, and anyone struggling to navigate today’s world.

WRAP is for all kinds of life issues and all kinds of situations. We can all benefit from a personal WRAP. Much love and many blessings to you all in this new year.