We have exciting news! To make WRAP more accessible to people all over the world, Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP), which owns WRAP, is expanding and enhancing many aspects of WRAP over the coming year.
More details will be shared in future newsletters, but we’d first like to share that AHP has promoted Lynn Miller to Director of WRAP. In this role, she will support the strategic plan of WRAP.
Her work will include:
- Expanding WRAP to diverse populations around the world.
- Overseeing fidelity to the WRAP model by the trainers and agencies providing WRAP.
- Working collaboratively with providers, states, other countries, and peer stakeholders to expand the availability of WRAP training opportunities and WRAP initiatives.
- Creating ways to promote WRAP in schools, businesses, hospitals, community centers, tribal communities, youth agencies, justice systems, Veteran and service member organizations, and more.
Lynn has a long history with WRAP. She became a WRAP Facilitator 16 years ago and became connected to one of WRAP’s originators, Dr. Mary Ellen Copeland. Lynn later became chief of staff at the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Office of Mental Health and Substance Services and was then recruited by the Department of Corrections, where she created an Office of Mental Health Advocacy. In this role, she trained more than 160 individuals who were incarcerated, and 60 prison staff, as WRAP Facilitators. Three years ago, Lynn joined AHP to grow WRAP and share this powerful tool all over the world. She still works closely with Mary Ellen to ensure the fidelity of WRAP in all settings.
The impact of WRAP is evidence-based and truly changes lives and fosters very deep connections with others, which expands our support systems. We are thrilled that Lynn agreed to direct WRAP and look forward to watching the WRAP community and training opportunities grow worldwide.
We all could use the healing process provided by WRAP!