This book reinforces my observations from when WRAP was first developed back in 1997– WRAP is for everyone.  Anyone who wants to develop their own WRAP and use it as their guide to daily living can do it.  And now, almost twenty years later, we have thousands of WRAP group facilitators all over the world who can facilitate WRAP groups and adapt WRAP so that it is easily accessible to anyone.  In the back of this book is a section that includes many, many ideas for making WRAP groups easily accessible, interesting, fun, and useful.
Nikki, Rachel, Christopher and Sue had been in a WRAP group, had developed their own WRAP plans and were so impressed with the process and its effect on their lives that they were willing and anxious to share their experience.  What better way to do that than in a book.  Gina Calhoun, Lori Young and I followed their guidance and worked with them to develop this book. We all hope it will be helpful to people who may feel daunted at the prospect of developing a WRAP but feel they would benefit from it.
What makes WRAP, and WRAP for People with Developmental Distinctions unique, is that is gives people “self-agency”.  WRAP is not developed “for you” by someone else.  You develop it for yourself.  Other wellness and mental health programs tell people what to do and expect them to do it.  WRAP guides people, anyone, including people with developmental distinctions, through the process of figuring out what they need and want to do for themselves and supports them as they do it.  This is a big difference.
I encourage you to review this book, even if you feel it is not appropriate to the work you are doing.   I expect you will be pleasantly surprised.