By Sarah Farmer, M.A., Certified WRAP Facilitator
Is your wellness truly one of your top priorities?
Really think about your answer.
Do you actively live your WRAP, plan daily self-care, and give yourself the same respect and time you give to others? If not, what’s stopping you?
I often become so consumed with work, parenting, the tasks of daily life, life stressors, fears about the future, and “being perfect,” that I put my needs last and push beyond my limits. This happens every time I worry more about letting others down than letting myself down.
This results in me feeling stressed out, angry, resentful, and depressed; but I keep doing it, over and over and over.
I, like most adults, am the exhausted hamster spinning the wheel to nowhere with a smile on my face, saying yes to everyone but myself. It’s time to get off the wheel and build a runway.
The reality is that if you have time for others, you also have time for yourself. But you have to claim that time and ensure it isn’t sucked into the black hole of adulting duties and people-pleasing.
It’s important to be responsible and to help others, but not when it’s constantly at your own expense, and definitely not when your mental, physical, and emotional health are at risk.
We are each responsible for ensuring balance in our lives and setting the boundaries that keep us well.
If we don’t value our time and health, we can’t expect others to. No one else is going to do it for us, particularly when we are busy fulfilling others’ needs and wants. Putting your wellness last pulls you away from your personal responsibility to maintain wellness.
This brings me to May 18, which is Global Mental Health Action Day (MHAD) and the announcement of a surprise no-cost WRAP product.
MHAD is a day to focus on YOUR mental health and to take some type of action that moves you closer to well-being.
If you already have a WRAP, you’re one step ahead of most people. But I also encourage you to set aside at least one hour on May 18 to do something that improves your wellness.
Don’t leave it up to chance, or as something you’ll get to if you have time that day. Book the time in your calendar so it’s blocked off. Honor yourself by making your mental health a priority and committing to keeping your appointment with yourself.
Start planning to do something that will bring you happiness and put you in a good mood. Or plan something you’ve been meaning to do that’s a step toward better mental health. Don’t overthink it, just book the time and do it. It can be something big or small. It doesn’t matter. The point is to invest in yourself and your wellness journey.
And a new wellness product will debut on May 18 to help you jump-start the day. WRAP will offer the product as a free download you can use to enhance your wellness, so check your email that day!
In the meantime, think about what action you’ll take on May 18 for your mental health and wellness. I plan to take an hour-long walk in the mountain canyon near my home and sip my favorite latte by the waterfall. What about you?
Take action for your own mental health. You deserve it!

WRAP Associate at Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.