By Heather Cobb, ALF WRAP Facilitator, Leeds, UK
Heather wrote in to share some thoughts from her journaling after a recent WRAP seminar.
Today is the first Sunday in March and the sun has reappeared. I get up to walk my dog through the fields nearby and my head is full of ideas about the last few days. From Wednesday through Friday, my ALF co-Facilitator Simon and I took a group of 10 people through the first three days of the WRAP Seminar II Facilitator training.
The decision to split the five days across a fortnight was mostly to allow the healthcare professionals and our volunteers attending to get time away from their jobs and lives. It also means we get a break to recharge ourselves as Facilitators before we return for days four and five.
I’m still buzzing from the personal introductions people gave on Friday! Every time I facilitate a WRAP Seminar I group or train a group of level 2 Facilitators, I’m struck by all the wisdom and creativity people bring. WRAP seems shinier, full of even more possibilities–and I’m full of them now.
It is time to come back down to earth though. I stop to let the sun soak into my skin while I consider how I’ll support myself today.
As a group, we’ve been asking ourselves, “How can I support myself in this work today?” My dog bounces around in the green grass. I think of my daily maintenance plan, put the laundry away, meditate, and make dinner.
I carry a notebook so that when distracting training thoughts pop into my mind, I can jot them down and revisit them later. Before I head home, I stop to feel gratitude for all the people who are also using their plan today. I’m excited to see what we’ll collectively do with WRAP next.

ALF WRAP Facilitator, Leeds, UK