When selecting your WRAP wellness tools, one of two usually stand out as your go-to favorites. You know—the ones that make you feel better the fastest, have the longest-lasting effect, or are simply the most enjoyable. For me, it’s buying myself a bouquet of flowers or having coffee with a friend.
We asked WRAP Facebook followers about their all-time favorite WRAP wellness tool, and the dozens of answers had a few common themes. Here they are:
- Art: Nancy J., Thomas C., Janet M., Louise L., Melissa H., Erin R., and Shirley S. all turn to art activities when they need a pick-me-up, such as coloring, drawing, and painting.
- Music: Josh H. sings along to music in his car “loudly and off key.”
- Recreation: Steven C.’s favorite tools are biking and hockey; Sarah H. likes “BBB=Blowing bubbles at the beach!”; Amey D. picks a bike ride; Robert C. prefers running; Leanne B. loves running on the beach “with my kids or fur baby”; Greg P. turns to doing Zumba with family and friends; and Sandra B. says she “Can’t beat sailing on a lovely sunny day or maybe a spot of drumming. Not tried to do both at the same time but I’m always up for a challenge!”
- Inward Reflection/Alternative Health: Linda D. and Leanne B. settle their minds with meditation, and Kristi W. practices Reiki (a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing).
- Arts & Crafts: Tina C.’s favorite tool is crocheting, Arlaina A.’s is knitting, Lisa S.’s is collaging, and Jerry P. focuses on healthy and safe hobbies.
- Pets/animals: Mara M. and Deb B. spend time with their pets, whereas Lisa S. likes “looking at baby piggies, otters, puppies, and other adorable little animals!!!”
- Nature: Cheryl Ann likes to get outside, and says “I am just starting this and going outside helps me a lot.” Leanne B. and Carolyn Q. both like to get their hands in the dirt while gardening.
- Games: Joan K. picks sudoku, and Ida W. enjoys “Playing the card game canasta with a group of lovely ladies and being able to chat with.”
- Journaling/Writing: Michelle T. turns to creative Bible journaling, Paulissa K. uses art journaling, and Dominique R. writes devotionals for the writers’ guild at her church (and rides her “brand new TRIKE”)!
- Thought patterns/self-care: Jerry P. centers on gratitude, Dawn H. reads uplifting books and pampers herself, and Peedie B., reads “good books!”
- Family: Sandra T. selects FaceTime with her grandchildren “at the other end of the world”: Japan.
If you are still working on choosing your wellness tools, a helpful resource is Building your Wellness Toolbox, with Mary Ellen Copeland. It’s available as a CD or an MP3 audio download, so you can listen at home, in your car, or on a walk with your headphones one. In this audio recording, Mary Ellen will help you build your Wellness Toolbox—the cornerstone of creating your WRAP.
What about you? What’s your favorite wellness tool for summer? Share it with the rest of us on the WRAP Facebook page! You just might inspire someone to add a new tool to their Toolbox.
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WRAP Associate at Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.