by Kristen King | Aug 19, 2019 | Blog, Children & Teens, Daily Plan, Elements of WRAP, Families, Wellness, Recovery & Lifestyle Topics
As I write this, my 7-year-old twins are going back to school in less than 2 weeks, and it’s been just over 2 weeks since I finished my own schooling. While the kids are checking school supply lists and digging out their backpacks, I’m getting rid of piles of papers...
by Kristen King | Aug 16, 2018 | Blog, Children & Teens, Creating & Using Your WRAP, Developmental Distinctions, Families, Wellness, Recovery & Lifestyle Topics
For many of us, August and September mean back-to-school time. Big transitions can be challenging for kids and adults alike, so we asked parents of kids ages pre-school to college how they make that transition easier. Here are their ideas for making the most of those... by Mary Ellen Copeland | Feb 4, 2015 | Blog, Children & Teens, Mental Health, Wellness, Recovery & Lifestyle Topics
by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. Nothing in the field of mental health will be better and reduce more harm than encouraging withdrawal from psychiatric drugs. The time is past when the focus in mental health was on what drugs to take for what disorders. Now we need to...