The WRAP Program saved my life! This is not a dramatic statement. It really did. I did not go to the hospital for severe psychosis for 6 years now. I used to go every 8 months. Since I was 43 years old (in 2001) to 2008, I was in the hospital. I took the WRAP course 3 times, then I took the training course to facilitate WRAP (5 day course) in 2010. It took me 2 years to have a chance of facilitating WRAP. I then co-facilitated it with Danielle, a social worker, at the Montfort Hospital. The course was given in French, which is my strongest language. I have been co-facilitating for 3 years. The co-facilitating really helped me stay on track. The material we covered from the toolbox to daily maintenance to triggers helped me with my recovery. I went through the material at least 6 times during my 3 years. The more I look and study the material, the better I feel. When I have a certain trigger that brings me down, I do a page of triggers. I include the symptoms and an action plan to do. When I had a fight with my sister-in-law Theresa, I used my page of triggers. I wrote a letter to Theresa saying I thought she was rude to me at the X-mas lunch we had. In hindsight, I wish I had written the letter but not sent it. She got so insulted, she phoned me and insulted me numerous times on the phone. She said I was selfish when it comes to my mother-in-law. I told her she was a control freak. We both were wrong. What WRAP taught me was to ask for forgiveness for the bad things we do. I did. I wrote her another letter asking her to forgive me and I sent a dvd and a magazine also. She appreciated the gesture and we’ve been very friendly ever since. What I specifically told her was that life was too short to be fighting.
WRAP and Recovery Books is the division of AHP’s Human Potential Press that publishes books and materials about WRAP, wellness, and recovery.