Today, May 19, is Mental Health Action Day around the world. To celebrate, we have a gift for you!

We developed a new booklet called WRAP: Five Key Concepts to Guide Your Path to Wellness.

It’s free and you can download today! You are welcome to share a copy with friends, family, and others in your support network.

This guide is a great tool to help you refocus on the key concepts of WRAP, come up with some new ideas for your wellness toolbox, and connect with others by sharing and discussing ways the WRAP key concepts can empower you on your wellness journey.

What Is Mental Health Action Day?

It’s a day to encourage everyone to take action toward strengthening their mental health.

WRAP joined MTV Entertainment Group as a partner for this day, along with more than 1,600 other leading companies, brands, nonprofits, and cultural leaders globally.

The theme of this year’s Mental Health Action Day is “Connection.

This focus was selected because people of all ages continue to seek ways to cope with loneliness and isolation stemming from the pandemic, and many turn to peer support to help their emotional well-being.

WRAP is a perfect fit for this theme—connection and peer support are a vital part of each person’s WRAP. And we as a community hold the core belief that it’s up to each person to take personal responsibility and action to get and stay well.

In case you missed it last year, you can also download our 2021 WRAP Mental Health Action Day guide, the Wellness Guide to Overcoming Isolation During COVID-19: Being Connected, Staying Connected, and Choosing Connection, at no cost.

Empower Yourself!

What action are you going to take today to fuel your wellness journey? Let us know on the WRAP Facebook page!