Our last few newsletters have announced changes to WRAP’s branding and content updates to key resources. We have refreshed our visual identity, which includes a new logo and a look and feel that will extend through our books and other materials. We are updating several books, the Facilitator Training Manual, and the WRAP app. This is an exciting time for us, and we so appreciate the support and enthusiasm we’ve received from the WRAP community. Your feedback has inspired us and informed all our improvement decisions and planning.
Last week, we announced the release of the new and improved Wellness Recovery Action Plan, also known as the Red Book. This book is the primary tool for developing a personal WRAP, and it’s the foundation upon which the other WRAP books and resources build. Key changes to the new edition include, for example, two new chapters, a shift toward more trauma-informed language, updated examples and prompts throughout, and revisions to the daily plan, stressors, and crisis plan sections.
We asked you to share with us what changes you’re most excited about. Below are a few of the responses we received on Facebook and via email.
“I LOVE it! LOVE! Design is a big part of things now, so I’m happy to hear that there’s been some thought to updating things. Yay!”
“So glad to see the language change!”
“It’s great, and I like the new wording for stressors versus triggers.”
“I’m very happy with the change.”
“I am looking forward to the upcoming changes.”
“I can’t tell you how excited I am about the changes you mentioned in your recent ‘Updates Ahead’ and ‘Behind the Scenes’ newsletter articles. I am very much looking forward to both the printed and technology updates—especially the WRAP app and other potential new media options.”
“The new look is brilliant.”
“This is awesome! I have to order this! Thank you!!!”
“I can’t wait.”
We love hearing such positive reactions and excitement about the new Red Book, and we look forward to unveiling new editions of other books in the future. Be sure to stay updated on these and other announcements by “liking” our Facebook page and signing up for our newsletter.
Want to order the new Red Book? It’s now available for presale through our bookstore.
Amanda Aykanian, PhD, is a former program associate at Advocates for Human Potential.