WRAP for Chronic Pain: Rethinking, Reclaiming, and Replacing

WRAP for Chronic Pain: Rethinking, Reclaiming, and Replacing

In part 1 and part 2 of this four-part series, I offered examples of how a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) can lay a foundation for meeting the challenges of living with chronic pain. This is part 3. It’s been said that the definition of a miracle is a change in...
WRAP for Chronic Pain: Negotiating Your Quality of Life

WRAP for Chronic Pain: Negotiating Your Quality of Life

The first article in this series explored the nature of chronic pain, the added misery recent over-reliance on opioid prescribing has wrought, and the mounting evidence that is moving pain management in a variety of new directions. This follow-up article discusses...

Wellness Recovery Action Planning and Addiction Recovery: Limitless Potential to Heal

  The first three articles in this series explained different ways that people with addictions can use a Wellness Recovery Action Plan. This final installment discusses using WRAP at a systems level and integrating it into addiction treatment and recovery at all...