by Kristen King | Dec 13, 2018 | Blog, Creating & Using Your WRAP, Crisis Plan, Daily Plan, Early Warning Signs, Elements of WRAP, Post-Crisis Plan, WRAP Publications & Events
I just finished reflecting on my year and updating my WRAP with new goals in mind. But I know that if I really want to get results in my life with my new WRAP, updating my plan isn’t enough. I have to actually use it. And I can’t use it if it’s just sitting in a...
by Kristen King | Dec 6, 2018 | Blog, Creating & Using Your WRAP, Daily Plan, Early Warning Signs, Elements of WRAP, Stressors & Triggers, Wellness Toolbox, Wellness, Recovery & Lifestyle Topics, WRAP Publications & Events
Recently, I started to share how I’m using the new WRAP Workbook (2018 updated edition) to reflect on the last year and to create a new WRAP. My first step was to look at where things stand right now (using the chart on page 20) and identify areas I wanted to change...
by Kristen King | Nov 29, 2018 | Blog, Creating & Using Your WRAP, WRAP Publications & Events
At the end of each year, I love to look back on the last 12 months and reflect on how my life is going. This year has been a big one for me and for my family and friends. There have been births, deaths, friendships made and lost, big transitions, new opportunities,...