The Sometimes-Terrifying, Sometimes-Thrilling Nature of Change

The Sometimes-Terrifying, Sometimes-Thrilling Nature of Change

May 1 marks the first anniversary of the time my husband and I sold most of our stuff and moved our family cross-country to a town we’d visited only twice into a house we’d bought after only ever seeing it online because we decided to follow our dreams. It was the...

WRAP Yourself Out of Crisis: Waynette's Story

We all experience sudden, unexpected events in our lives that we have not planned for and that require extra effort for keeping ourselves well. Re-evaluating your Wellness Tools during these difficult times can help to keep you out of crisis. Read more about how the...

Mental Health Recovery in an In-Patient Setting – NH

By Ken Braiterman We started introducing WRAP at New Hampshire Hospital about three years ago. Acceptance by the medical staff has grown steadily, and they recommend it to patients. However, part of our agreement with the hospital is that WRAP can never be REQUIRED. I...