Signs that Things are Breaking Down Posts

Revising the Red Book

Revising the Red Book

Wellness Recovery Action Plan, known in the WRAP community as the Red Book, was recently revised, 20 years after it was first published. This involved a challenging balancing act: preserving WRAP’s essential structure, its key recovery concepts, and its values and...
When You’re in Pain, Exercise Your Brain

When You’re in Pain, Exercise Your Brain

In Greek mythology, Oedipus saved his own life by answering the riddle of the sphinx: “What crawls on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening?” Today, we know that brain teasers like these can save our lives—even if we answer incorrectly....
WRAP for Chronic Pain: Rethinking, Reclaiming, and Replacing

WRAP for Chronic Pain: Rethinking, Reclaiming, and Replacing

In part 1 and part 2 of this four-part series, I offered examples of how a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) can lay a foundation for meeting the challenges of living with chronic pain. This is part 3. It’s been said that the definition of a miracle is a change in...