By Sonja Workman, Certified WRAP Facilitator

Shortly before I was introduced to WRAP, I was in a barren land. It was dry and dusty, which left me feeling parched and empty. Walking in, withered, to my first WRAP Facilitator training session, I sat in my seat expecting to become more depleted.

As the Facilitator started sharing his introduction, he captivated me with his personal sharing, and it was then that a seed was planted in the desert place. Over the course of the 6-week training, I experienced more planted seeds and multiple showers of hope.

On the final day of training, I looked around at the wasteland and noticed that there was growth in the middle of a crack, and the most beautiful flower was emerging. Feeling hopeful, I left that training knowing that WRAP was now a way of life for me.

That was 4 years ago, and now I’m sitting with you all in a field of flowers. Can you smell them? Are you able to see the multiple magnificent colors?

I will not forget that the beauty of this growth came as a result of others planting seeds and caring for them, making sure to cultivate them in a warm and safe environment.

Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew that the blooming occurred because others met me right where I was at, and these connections were helping me get well and stay well. And it was during those 4 years that I grew more and more blooms, enhancing my wellness through self-discovery and understanding that I had choices and options.

This autonomy was like MiracleGro!

Emily Dickinson wrote:

“Hope” is the thing with feathers –

That perches in the soul –

And sings the tune without the words –

And never stops – at all –

How about you? What ground are you walking on? What is working for you on your wellness journey? What would you like to improve on your wellness journey?

A primary role of a WRAP Facilitator is being a guide to others.

By walking in mutuality as we share our lived experiences, we are able to plant more seeds, grow more beauty, and experience the fragrance of the goodness that a wellness recovery action plan offers to each one of us—together.

So, with gratitude, I would like to gather and create a bouquet of these flowers to give to Mary Ellen Copeland as a thank-you for planting a beautiful garden in which to grow our wellness.

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